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Dakotah - 5.19.20
Rachel - 5.20.20 Hip Hop (Explicit)
Chris's (Still 30) Birthday Ride - 5.21.20
Dakotah - 5.22.20
M&E - 5.23.20
Rachel - 5.24.20
Chris - 5.25.20
Dakotah - 5.26.20
Rachel - 5.27.20
Chris - 5.28.20
Dakotah - 5.29.20
M&E - 5.30.20
Rachel - 5.31.20 Khalid vs Post Malone
Chris - 6.1.20 Ariana Grande vs Lady Gaga
Dakotah - 6.2.20
Rachel - 6.3.20
Chris - 6.4.20
Dakotah - 6.5.20
M&E - 6.6.20
Rachel - 6.7.20
Chris - 6.8.20
Dakotah - 6.9.20
Rachel - 6.10.20
Chris - 6.11.20